Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Review: a Wavves-King Of The Beach


Wavves King Of The Beach [Fat Possum]

Should know: It is essentially a Wavves San Diegan named Nathan Williams, who began writing and recording songs in self-home parents. Known for its persona bratty stoner and a love of skuzzy lo-fi production, Williams was released the first (self-titled) album in a Wavves Woodsist at the end of 2008 and we catch like wildfire. Set apart from the second album, named Wavvves humorous, even six months later at the beginning of 2009 through Fat Possum.However, all the attention and the demand for a Wavves reached a boiling point and Williams suffered a reaction and a collapse on stage in Primavera Festival in Spain after downing some ecstasy. Valium and Drummer Ryan Ulsh quit the band and on the stage and Zach Hill (Hella air-conditioned buzz fame) Sat until last fall, when Jay Reatard bass and drummer, Stephen Pope and Billy Hayes, became full members of a Wavves.

: Wavves ' third album King Of The Beach marks a significant change in not only in the area of the sound, but Williams songwriting. You can credit year turmoil for converting and search within himself to reveal that it is not good. Self-loathing, depopulation and girlfriend troubles all runs throughout the album as subjects, but by eschewing the laptop at home for a proper Studio (sweet Tea in Oxford, Mississippi) and one producer in Dennis Herring, your family might actually policy for the guy.Gone is the concentrated opaqueness of inexperienced home recording (Read: the term "lo-fi" seems wrong to use), however, King Of The Beach easily Wavves has become even better.Having a real band return to has done wonders for Williams vision, thus giving him that added thwack for part of the punk-ish title and rollicking "Acid Post." But in moments more solo-sounding as sample-heavy "Baseball cards and lawsuits pending-Mickey Mouse ' bait ' (which sounds like the Beach Boys could as deserve certain rights as Disney), Williams-smokin weed, beach bum guise comes to life more strongly than ever. best of all, the well-connected roundedness demonstrates that Wavves depth to find new life after love affair with lo-fi ends with a bitter divorce.

Best track:"Mickey Mouse"

R.I.Y.L. Best Coast, fossils Beach, no age, Vivian Girls, Times New Viking, Dum Dum Girls

Rating: 9/10

Buy, download, stolen, or not bother: Buy the vinyl.

Sample:"Post Acid"


-Cam Lindsay

Tags: Nathan Williams, a Wavves

Posted on Monday, 9 August, 2010 at 2: 04 pm by Cam and is filed under reviews, the new music.

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