Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are you a Teacher or parent, who is "Up" at the music Technology Trends? Such exist, go to the quiz

Young people are amazing. They are able to keep with technology without "breaking a sweat," while the rest of us struggle with some of the "easiest" of electronic technologies (remember the days programming VCR? tried their luck with TIVO yet?).

The simple truth is that younger people has an advantage; they are immersed in the new technologies.They have been since birth. For the rest of us, thankfully, we have these "young people" to explain things for us!

I have compiled a short list of questions, containing a few of the "hot" items and "buzz" words are widespread in music technology culture in our student. Tag the quiz and see how well you have assimilated the new technologies, the music of our current youth.


Director: Prof. Pisano

Quiz one, lesson one-music technology used by our youth

Name: ________________________________


1. Is "Pandora" still only attached to a box in your mind and misery?

2 the term "bit torrent" sounds like something that was in Star Wars movie, or can you dissect it and redefine the concept into something a little more current?

3. ... "YouTube"?

4. Is a "Lime wire" just a green corroded battery cord in an unused transistor radio of their?

5. Many of your students Scribble on their test, you know if any of them is "scrobbling?"

6. Are "copying" something you still only do with a saw or paper product? is the "ring" any other "tones" in your mind?

7 "last.FM"?What! are you "Sirius"?

8. Make acronyms R.I.A.A. and d.r.m. strike fear in the hearts of your students for some pretty they might break?

9. iPod, Zen, or Zune, which do you prefer?

10. Is "napster", just another nickname for your excessively sleepy baby or you can "Search" a little deeper in your archives and come up with something else?



1. "Pandora" is a completely free, "Web 2.0 5?, radio service that learns what music you like by comparing your choice of music to the music Genome Project.

2 "bit torrents" are applications that use a specific Protocol to allow sharing of music, video and other files over the Internet by public them into smaller pieces and send them to pieces.

3 "YouTube" is an extremely popular video hosting site; you never know what or "who you can find in a video".

4 "Lime Wire" is a "peer to peer ' file sharing client that is used to share music and other media files across the network. Lime wire has recently been exposed to a number of law suits initiated by the R.I.A.A. (see no. 5).

5. "Scrobbling" is a way to track the music you listen and share the list with uses this technology in detail (see number 7).

6 "Ripping" is the process of "lift" music from CDs or the video files from your DVD and record it to your hard disk or another type of storage device; One very popular program for ripping is "winamp".

"Ringtones" is one of the hottest topics available for your mobile phone. They are customizable sounds for your phone, which is activated when a person calls you.

7 "last.FM" is a site by using "Web 2.0 5? technology to give you an online radio. this service is similar to Pandora (see number 1).

Last.FM also have the option to "scrobble" your own music and share it with others (see no. 5). Moreover, website last.FM known as a "domain hack".

"Sirius" is a satellite radio company.You can purchase the service for a monthly fee.The service can be taken with you, in your car, or anyplace you have their proprietary radio hardware.

8. R.I.A.A. stands for the Recording Industry Association of America. D.R.M.stands for Digital Rights Management.

R.I.A.A. in the last few years has triggered a huge lawsuits against businesses and individual citizens over d.r.m. violations.

9. iPod, Zen, Zune is all portable audio players, they are currently some of the most popular, coolest and the smallest devices available today; All of them can, literally, hold hundreds, if not, thousands of songs.

10 "Napster" has existed for a very long time (at least in Internet years).First, it was an illegal peer to peer music sharing service (see no. 4). now it's a pay service.



Number of correct & Analysis:

1-4 Operating the e-mails may properly be a real accomplishment you ...Fortunately, you can re-take this test to get a better grade!F

5 half-real sounds better than half wrong ...D

6 you can just might have a meaningful conversation about these things with students!C

7 Wow! you are the owner probably an iPod!B

8 Yeoman work! What is now a Yeoman?A-

9 some of their colleagues believe you to be a bit geeky?A

10 you have a technological genius music! Hello! you are under 25? A+


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About: Prof. Joseph m. Pisano

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Prof. Joseph m. Pisano is Deputy Chairman of music and Fine Arts, Associate Director of bands and Director of music and Fine Arts technology at Grove City College; He is also an active trumpeter, musician, clinician, conductor, jazz supporter, adjudicator, and trainer

Grove City College is a private, four-year institution situated competitive in Grove City, PA

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