Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Effective laws to Protect music must be adopted with the same

Our laws fail clearly the people who create the music for a living. I have recently learned that a friend's music is offered on dozens of sites around the world for free without his permission. In this case, my friend followed all the appropriate measures to protect his music through the u.s. Copyright Office, but the current legislation in THE UNITED STATES and abroad does not provide adequate protection against piracy. There are noble intentions within the laws designed to protect intellectual property, but there is no appropriate treatment or means to really prevent or discourage piracy. In short, the current legislation does not turn on.

While the Digital Millennium Copyright Act appears to support the owner's rights, limits the liability of internet service providers too, which offers the possibility to distribute pirated materials. Although not I am a lawyer, it is clear to me that the responsibility is 100% on the owners to pursue each infringement. For each infringement, the owner may issue a cease and previous letter, but must file a lawsuit within 14 days for each site or violator is allowed to put the material back up.In reality, there are so many offenders, it is impossible to close them all the time, an illegal digital file is distributed online. I know that the debate continues and new laws are being discussed, but time is running out for the vast majority of artists, there are implications and without sufficient resources to protect themselves.

In the meantime seems people becoming increasingly indifferent to the consequences of this phenomenon has on the lives of innocent people dependent on their music for survival. It is actually very same indifference, looters feel when the plate glass Windows in a shop smashed to pieces during the riots. That is to say, the numbers are generally in favour of marauding as the streets are temporarily outside the control of law enforcement. It is the same, because people know they risk very little (actually nothing) when they steal from their fellow man in the privacy of their homes.The reality of the actual crime is conveniently tucked away while they casually download songs from P2P sites Actually seemed to many that ... celebrate as the enterprises that fine in surplus during the 80 's and 90 's a victim of the new music free for all. But few like to think about the actual people who are fighting now to survive while their products given away at the speed of light.

Well, in this case, I happen to know a victim. He lives in a small town in Germany with his wife and his 3 year old son. Their son returned recently from the hospital after being treated for pneumonia. Their homes are very nicely furnished, but it is very small, particularly by American standards.The home is very old, so it is also very cold in winter. Despite difficulties with their situation, they are very happy people and they love to spend time together as a family, sometimes go for moving walks together. Go to a McDonalds is a very special treat for their little boy, but it is a rare treat. Perhaps you could go once in a period of three or four weeks.

My friend has writes songs for several years, but his professional career as an engineer and performer spanning 15 years. He is one of many talented artists, who hopes to be discovered by large publishing company or label.But he, like many others must work to promote its own music or work with smaller indie labels; He does not have a team of lawyers to help him to protect his music. He has 24 hours a day, Studio time, Rehearsals, concerts, there are sometimes hundreds of miles away, and bills to pay. He expresses his feelings in his music, but he is always cheerful, especially around the son young. My friend is a modern day Bob Cratchett and ordinary citizens, which requires their music for free is today's Ebeneezer Scrooges.

Most people recognize the need to live by a set of fundamental standards, which we call the law. Yes, we complain and make fun of those practicing law, but in reality we are enjoying the many benefits of a civilised society.We are able to live, work, play and worship as we choose. But we like to think that we would remain civilized and respect others ' rights, in the absence of legislation. As we have seen, this is clearly not the case. We can say there are laws to protect us against piracy, but laws which are not practical and does not protect people have little value. Therefore, we have ironically moved forward in our technological development to a new period of lawlessness. It may help to consider what life might be like when people compare it to a world where the results of their own work is provided free of charge.

Finally, I hope that most people are aware of the value of music in our lives.If not, perhaps you could imagine what life would be like without music in our lives. it must of course be very difficult, because no one seems to have the capacity or the time or motivation to imagine such a thing.The idea that music is free, however, is not sustainable over any appreciable length of time.How long will the artists continues to produce music, if there is no advantage or recognition for their time and their art?It is not surprising that children now do not understand the concept of music costs money.To them it is like to turn on the faucet in the kitchen, apart from their parents pay for the water every month I sincerely believe in time will do something, but the time to act is now.

We need effective international laws that will punish anyone in the chain of distribution in direct proportion to the level of crime. For example, I know that I have downloaded some files from P2P sites. Although not I am proud to have been a part of this mess, I proudly offer to return the money tenfold to a fund that would benefit those who worked to create this music. rather than normal prison time, however, I recommend that we put more serious offenders to work in the camps to repay their debts by the same sweat and effort were given away in equivalent dollars at the expense of artists; I can hear the websites shut down by the prospect of marketing violators during criminal jurisdiction.

Article written by Part Boland and distributed by permission from Part Boland and is a free online community for songwriters, bands and musicians.

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