Friday, September 10, 2010

Blues music-American Granddaddy of music styles

What an American music audio? You know what the music of Germany, Spain, Ireland, Japan, and many of the other countries in the world of sounds. Each country with its own distinctive culture has an identifiable musical sound that comes from this culture. But what about US?

America was offset by individuals, mainly from Europe. Early music AMERICA was fundamental European music.There were quite different musical forms to be heard and some people may say that today still true in the u.s. but is there common elements in today's music, which did not exist in the early settler music.

It was the influence of African slaves, who brought changes to the American musical forms. African culture was suppressed through slavery.Their religion, language, and general overall culture was taken away from them, but since the African culture was one of the oral tradition, it was impossible to remove their entire cultural way of life. Many aspects of their musical heritage was preserved.

Before the days of radio, film or TV had people to entertain themselves.Dances and music were generally main focus entertainment in early settler life. slaves were quickly learn that being musicians, itself, something they could improve their lives, because good musicians was appreciated in the early days. They taught European music and musical instruments of the time. But this European music they brought their own musical culture and influence.

There were aspects of the African musical background that was completely different than Europeans. it would take a book to fully explain this difference, but they can be simplified into two different aspects. One has to do with a more complex rhythm pattern and the other has to do with the variations in the notes of the Western musical scale, Africans are added to the music. They brought these variations to both their playing of instruments and their song. And ultimately white folks grew to like it.

While these influences can be heard in the early American music in the beginning of the 19th century particularly in church music, it does not develop into another musical form until after the civil war. Of freedom were African Americans were able to travel and experience a mixture of musical know-how from other white and black musicians. Slowly a new Musical style was born. It was called the blues.

There are a lot of misinformation and confusion about how and when the blues began. even Blues scholars agree not. But basically the music in the 19th century, which was mainly played by African Americans on the banjo, which was an adaptation of African instrument, modified at the end of this century, when cheap guitars were made available. The importance of the guitar was that unlike banjo could maintain notes. Blues player's goal was to have his instrument imitate the human voice. Guitar, through bending strings and fluid between the notes, could be made to sound like that the engineers ' techniques, where notes were sung between the standard Western music notation. This is what the blues were all represented.

There is a very important concept that must be understood. It is called "People-process" of music historians. This means simply that the music changes. Either a single musician or group will, because their own abilities or creativity, modify and interpret songs in their own way. This is the reason why there were different musical sounds developed in different parts of the country.Different people will just play and sing a song, if different ways.This is where styles come from.Singing and guitar playing styles popularized by blues musicians were adapted to other music. This "People Process" is how the blues song and guitar methods became a part of the American musical culture.

If you are aware of the modern is music you will find that used these guitar techniques and the engineers ' phrasings most styles of American music.There can be explained by the fact that most American music of the 20th century developed from black blues and is mostly just a case of white boys playing blues.This statement actually bugs some people, but the fact is that no mater what style of music you can name, country, jazz, pop, bluegrass, rock or whatever, these musical elements, which was introduced by slaves and refined by blues players present.This is what gives the different styles of American music a similar cohesive feel. It is all different but somehow the same. It is all rooted in the blues, the granddaddy of American music.

Gene Morgan has writes about music for nearly 30 years; his articles have appeared in a number of music and heritage puplications. He and his wife Nancy have a Cafepress apparel shop where they feature many music related designs to your clothes and specialty gases elements. Shop called the downloaded Image Design and can be found at: they also have an unusual music website that provides information about some of their music related activities; the site is called River bottom Boogie and can be found at:

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